Pine County Historical Society
The PCHS RR is a dynamic 18 x 30-foot display with a goal of depicting the railroads that crossed Pine County in the mid 1950’s through the mid 1960’s. This display presents, in 1/87 scale, both the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern RR’s running through our county north and south between the Twin Cities and the Twin Ports.

Railroads provided a vital link between the towns along the line and the rest of our country. Agricultural products, machinery, building supplies, forest products, quarry stone, and many other miscellaneous materials were shipped to and from the numerous communities along the railroads. The trains running on the PCHS RR provide a feeling of products as well as passengers traveling to and from the communities in our county.

PCHS RR is dynamic, which requires constant maintenance and upgrading. Presently, there are five crew members, usually gathering morning into afternoon on Tuesdays and occasionally Saturday mornings, keeping the trains running and constantly upgrading the scenery. Structures portraying buildings in the towns need to be constructed also. This is a good opportunity for railroad enthusiasts to be part of a railroad that all can see.

Several videos of the PCHS RR are also available on YouTube
at BNSF 1458
For further information call PCHS at: (320) 838-1607