Welcome to
Pine County Historical Society.

Museum Features
Historical Exhibits
The Little Mermaid Cafe
Antique & Gift Shop
PCHS Model Railroad
Banquet and Event Rental
Museum Exhibits
10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Tuesday – Saturday
12:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. Sunday
Closed Monday
Ye Olde Museum Thrift Shoppe
9:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M
Saturday Only
Mid-May to Mid-October
The Little Mermaid Cafe
7:30 A.M. – 2:30 P.M. Tuesday – Saturday
9:00 A.M. – 2:30 P.M. Sunday
Closed Monday
Antique & Gift Shop
10:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Tuesday – Saturday
12:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. Sunday
Closed Monday
Museum Fees
$5.00 Per Visit
Children 5 and under, Free
Group Rates:
$1.00 per Student in organized groups or classes (led by an adult)
$2.50 per Adult in organized groups
*Note: An organized adult group must meet regularly and with a purpose such as study, civic, recreational, etc. (e.g. five friends meeting for lunch do not qualify as an organized group.)

Pine County Historical Society Museum presents the fascinating history of the Pine County area to long-time residents,
newcomers and people visiting from across the U.S. Sometimes, the occasional visitor from other parts of the world will
find connections to people or events that are represented here.
It is truly remarkable what has been accomplished over the years, entirely through the efforts of many dedicated
volunteers. Guests have made a point of letting us know how much they appreciate this museum and how special and
unique it is.
From the One Room Schoolhouse; the Military Room, greatly appreciated by Veterans; Pine County Cities Room, where
people come to recall family histories from around the county; to the ever-popular Train Room and the limited-edition,
full-size replica of the Wright Flyer, there is something here to fascinate everyone.
PCHS Museum also contains a comprehensive non-lending library, where anyone can come and look up Pine County
history, old photographs and maps. There is a farm machinery yard outside, an Antique and Gift Shop, and of course, our
delightful Little Mermaid Café. So much to see and do!
Pine County Historical Society Museum and Event Center is on Facebook.
Click on the Facebook link for Pine County History Museum to connect for latest programming and news.
Non-Discriminatory Statement
As per PCHS bylaw 6.2.3 Diversity
“PCHS will foster an environment that encourages and accepts religious, cultural, physical and experiential differences.”
501 c3 Designation
PCHS is a 501 c3, not-for-profit organization. As such, we do not align with any outside political or social cause or group.